Friday, August 8, 2008

Lake Shakespeare

It seems like it would be good to keep the plays going. This summer is a bit shorter and busier, though, so I'm proposing we cut out a few of the more time & labor intensive jobs. How about a couple of read-throughs of "As You Like It", and then put together a single scene for a low-key (minimal props, costumes, sets, guests) production. Let's hear what everyone thinks of this, and especially from the people who would be acting.



Kamala! said...

Is there anyway to do something like that condensed Shakespeare group where the play is humorously condensed into a fast moving,comic, almost slapstick version? Actually that might even be harder. Never mind. Also, not an actor.

SamsHome?! said...

Let's perform the dark night, Nick would make a good joker, Noah's batman, Harvey Dent would be difficult but luckily we have plenty of girls to choose from. I'll just take producer credit.

noah is the best said...

I vote Vagina Monologues performed by Nick (condensed, fast paced, and slapstick).

Popop said...

I agree with Chandran that we should continue with our Shakespeare plays. Because of the time pressure this year, reading from a script may be the best we can do. How about Richard III?

Popop said...

I agree with Chandran that we should continue with our Shakespeare plays. Because of the time pressure this year, reading from a script may be the best we can do. How about Richard III?