Thursday, June 23, 2011

News from Noah

Ashwani spoke to Noah on the phone yesterday. he has moved to his homestay in, I think, Mbour. It's near the ocean. The family has nine children. He doesn't has enough Wolof yet to find out what the father does for a living. Noah really likes it there. He says it's like India--eveyone thinks you should eat more. His PC supervisor comes every day and they walk on the beach and practice Wolof. He bought a bucket in the market and bargained.


Janice Madhu said...

sounds good. near the ocean, nice!! sunscreen!! glad to hear of you.

K2 said...

Okay, it's Mbora.

Brenda said...

What is the food like?

Sarah I said...

A bucket is a very handy thing! I wonder what Noah needs it for?