Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pretty cute, right?

I think I might need a gun.


Sara said...

So cute!

Sarah I. said...

I wonder if you could put a store bought chicken out for them, and fill it with some nasty stuff that will give the foxes a really bad stomach ache... lots of ex-lax or something (a vet might have an idea.) Maybe then, they would have such a bad association with chicken, that they will leave yours alone.

You would have to make the store bought chicken smell like your own by smearing their feathers and old straw on it.

Anyone have a better idea?!

If you do get a gun make it a bee bee gun (sp?)

elm said...

I like your idea Sarah, the bad tasting chicken from our yard. I will give it some thought and ask around.

I was thinking of a 22, what ever that is. I would aim to scare. The girls up the hill have named those foxes.

K2 said...

Last of the England Trip is up on flickr

elm said...

Was the cute green frog in the watermelon rind near the bucket of straw still there when you saw the chickens?
Have the fox been spotted yet?

I did not mention the mail box, I did not cancel mail or papers. Sorry.

Prune good as usual, but different. I had trout baked in salt. Delicious.