Sunday, August 2, 2009

Halfway Island, Lower Saranac Lake

We arrived home from the Adirondacks yesterday after a long car ride. The four canoes, survived on the cars. We had rain 2 out of 4 days, but fortunately. Day 2 and day 4 were sunny. There was lots of swimming. One rainy morning. we canoed to our cars, one group went to the museum in Tupper Lake, while the other group went shopping in Saranac Lake. Chandran and Chiara taught us Spades, a good card game. The food was good! My photostream has more pictures.

There were 11 of us, 3 tents. Two trips to the put in were necessary to get all of our gear to the Island and back. Sounds like a lot of work!? It was worth it.

The pictures: The 'kitchen'., Moose in restuarant in Long Lake where we ate on the way home, and s'mores.


Kamala! said...

Great pictures! Especially the ones of Chan and Sara on the rock.

elm said...

Kam, did you see the ones on my flickr account?