Saturday, September 11, 2010


According to Jo's friend Toni, who probably should know, both Americanas are male! Something to do with pointy neck feathers.


Kamala! said...

Oh dear.

Kamala! said...

Now Mom has to say "Ladies and Gentlemen."

elm said...

Well, that is certainly an unflattering picture of the gentlemen. I know Toni has farm experience, but I have yet to see any signs of maleness in the brown Americana, Alvin. I have heard a half 'cocka do.....'. from the chicken I nicknamed Iggie (he looks like an eagle), his official given name is Theodore.

elm said...

Well, that is certainly an unflattering picture of the gentlemen. I know Toni has farm experience, but I have yet to see any signs of maleness in the brown Americana, Alvin. I have heard a half 'cocka do.....'. from the chicken I nicknamed Iggie (he looks like an eagle), his official given name is Theodore.