Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Trouble in Waterport

This is that Sufi place at Bass & Stillwater. Any ideas for showing support for them?

Teenagers Charged in Harassment at Mosque



elm said...

That is an idea I had not thought of. It is a good idea. I did see the article, and of course it was in D & C also.

There was also an article in both papers about border patrol pulling people off the train without proper ID in Rochester. I would not think of the need for passport on the train. Both stories alarming.

Kamala! said...

So-I'm watching Food Networks' Chopped. It's a competition where they get weird ingrdients and cook off against each other. I look up from my book and there is a picture of "Camp of the Woods"-yes, that Camp of the Woods "a Christian retreatin upstate New York".. The executive chef is on (Asian-possibly Korean).He attributes his talent to God while enclosing watermelon puree in little gelatin capsules. We should eat there-is it possible? He comes in second-"It's been an honor and a blessing."

K2 said...

The owner of King of the Frosties is Asian, but I think she's Vietnamese.