Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Madhu!!


bren said...

Wonderful photo! Happy 80th! Glad to be seeing you soon.

Mark said...

Happy Birthday

GMS said...

Happy Birthday Madhu!

Kamala! said...

Barbara has posted a ton of pictures on her flickr site from the wonderful party-some great shots.

Kamala! said...

Here is the link:

Sara said...

Thanks Kamala.

Kamala! said...

I assume Chan made it home OK after the morning glitch.

Kamala! said...

Plus, love the new pic. Chiara looks like a character from Cats.

K2 said...

Facebook pic?

Kamala! said...

No-Flickr pic.

suzanne said...

Happy belated birthday, looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sara said...

Yes he made it home safe. It was a stressful trip, he was glad to be alone.

EPC said...

Happy birthday!