Friday, December 2, 2011

Clever Title

Hi everybody. It's been awhile. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. It seemed to be a good one this year , from what I witnessed. I know I had a good time. I went to see breaking dawn with my roommate. I can safely say it was as the book. I do have to admit that the actors sucked less than the last movie. Except for Kristen Stewart, I don't understand her. Literally, she can't seem to finish a thought and she is always mumbling and looking at the ground. My favorite part was when Bella goes into labor, it was hilarious. I'm laughing just thinking about it. Taylor Lautner was only shirtless like twice, or not even. It was a little disappointing.
Anywho, yesterday was the last day of classes for me. I have exams relatively spread out between now and the 16th. This semester had its ups and downs, but overall not so bad. I'm really looking forward to going home for Christmas. I have so many things to do when I get home and thankfully I'll have time to do them. Although one of the things is a doctors appointment and I'm not looking forward to that.
Nothing too exciting has happened, unless you count the fact that Susi got an iPhone. If you don't then yeah nothing exciting has happened. Ooo wait I forgot that I got a postcard from Hannah. That was exciting. My first letter. I don't remember what it said. Umm I'm running out of things to say. Hey does anyone know who that person is in Noah's profile picture on facebook. I'm 99.98% sure that it is not Noah.
Ok I'll leave you with a qoute from possibly the greatest book on earth.
Five bucks to the person who can guess the person who said this.


Jo rocks said...

There probably a lot of spelling errors. I didn't read it over.

Kamala! said...

Thanks for posting, Jo-entertaining as always!

Kamala! said...

Watching Hilary Swank on Jay Leno-(had an open house at the school and can't sleep yet). Anyway, she has chickens, BUT she got them as eggs and hatched them-Con: might get a rooster or two. Pro:Watching eggs hatch.Cute,tiny chicks.

Sara said...

good luck with all you exams. Sorry we won't see you at Christmas. When do you go back to school in January?

Jo rocks said...

I have to be back by the 9th.