Monday, February 20, 2012

Adventures and Houses in the Catskills

These very generous people put us up a night in their gorgeous home. The first house and land we looked at. The houses were all about 100 years old, most had very nice settings, close mountain trails and such. The right one was not found.

more pictures on flickr


Brenda said...

Lovely homes. Don wonders about the siding of the house. Do you have to treat them with oil regularly to preserve them.

elm said...

This house, as elegantg as it looks in this picture, was in bad condition. I doubt they have put anything on the wood. It was purchased by the owners with a tree growing through it, it was abandoned and in bad shape. They put a foundation under it, did some dry wall. But it looked like a do it yourself job on very little money. The land around it was nice, a good sized creek, a good sized pond and many acres, plus near State land with trails.

Chandran said...

About those people in the first pic- You'll all hear the Anita & Dave story eventually, but in brief: the agent for our rental cabin forgot to leave the key, and was unreachable, so we were stuck (with Gus, so no hotel possibility). At the restaurant, I went to the bar and asked the bartender for advice. The people sitting next to me (A&D) immediately offered to put us up, and we ended up at their lovely mountaintop log cabin.