Sunday, March 24, 2013

College Update

  I officially have only 2 weeks left of my second year at the university of Guelph. I have finally finished all of my midterms and most of my labs. In two weeks, finals will begin. I prefer finals to midterms. Mostly because I don't have classes to interfere with my studying and the material we need to know ends. I think it has been a good year despite some housemate issues. I am excited for the summer, because I am hoping it will stop snowing. Today isn't so bad. It's not snowing, but it is still below freezing, as per usual. Yesterday, my friend and went to the mall, the grocery and the liquor store. It was about one degree above freezing so we thought it would be a good idea to go out when the weather was so warm. I didn't buy too much stuff at the grocery store because I am trying to finish off the food I already have. Which involves me eating a ton of pasta. It's not that I don't love pasta, because I do, I totally do, but I eat a crap ton of pasta. More than people should. We didn't go shopping at the mall. We just had lunch there and wandered around. At the liquor store, I got some cider. It was my first time going there without an adult. It was weird because I sort of felt like I was breaking the law, which I was not. The check out lady starred really hard at my id for awhile and then put it through a machine to make sure it was real.
  I feel like this post is not as funny as my other ones. I think it's because I am tired and hungry. I keep thinking about what I'll do for lunch. I'm thinking either a burger or chicken fingers and fries. I usually get chicken fingers, but I think I'll change it up because it takes a really long time to make the chicken fingers. I could get a cheeseburger. It has been a really long time since I had beef, not since I had to watch the beef slaughter lab for structures of farm animals, not since Christmas. I'm not usually disturbed by that sort of thing. The pork, poultry and sheep ones I didn't have a problem with. Cows are my favorite. I think my beefless diet ends today. Honestly, I just really want mustard. They only leave out ketchup for fries. If you want mustard you have to get a burger of sorts.
  I think I did something weird in Yoga because the muscle in upper back are really sore, which is unusual for me. It's kind of uncomfortable. Oh well, I'll survive. I did something shameful on Friday. I watched breaking dawn part 2. I am not proud, but i was just so curious. I promise I will never be so weak ever again. There is no need for people to panic, I have not gone insane. I just made a small error in judgement. I thought it would be funny. It's like everyone in that movie started acting like Kristen Stewart. It was so boring. No emotions were displayed by anyone. It sort of made me a little depressed. I did feel a little something when they killed one of the wolves, while in wolf form. If he had been in human form I prolly wouldn't have cared. Also, the whole man imprinting on a baby thing was way creepier to see than to read. No matter how much he claimed to just be an older like figure, everyone knew that in 7 years that would change. It gives the creeps just thinking about it. Oh God, new topic.
  Today is campus day, which means a whole lot of people are gonna be in a not so big space. I don't like it. It makes me claustrophobic. Campus day is an event where students in high school come to look at the school, all at once. I'm glad I didn't do that, because I probably would have ended up in Vermont.
It interferes with my lunch plans, because the UC will probably filled with people. Campus is usually deserted on Sunday mornings. I did get a good seat in the library though. It's right next to an outlet, so my laptop won't die while I am here. It usually does. It smells kinda weird though. Ok this is long enough.


Kamala! said...

Jo, if you give me your address, I'll send you some mustard.

Sara said...

We missed you this weekend.
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