Saturday, September 14, 2013

College Update: First Full Week

  As first weeks go, it was kind of awesome. Well, not awesome, but definitely fine. The most classes in one day is 4 and that is only on Wednesdays. It has been kinda busy. From Monday to Wednesday was the poster sale. I purchased 1 Doctor Who poster and that's it. I managed to control myself and not buy every poster that struck my fancy. On Thursday and Friday the club fair happened. I went Friday. I joined two clubs. Now don't get too excited, one was an animal science club and the other is a geeky club for people who like geeky things. I joined them with a friend of mine. They are pretty minimal when it comes to participation. The animal science club has meetings once in awhile to discuss field trips and such. They always do a behind the scenes tour of the Toronto zoo, which sounds awesome. I'm really looking forward to it. My labs for Animal Nutrition started this week. We were assigned to groups of 5 or 6. Everyone in my group is animal bio except for the boy who is an aggie. I have forgiven him for that because he got pooped on by a pig for us. There are 2 hands on projects and 2 computer projects. Each project takes a few weeks to complete. I am starting on project 2, which is a pig lab. Each group was assigned a pen with 5 pigs. With real live pigs about 8 weeks old. The first day we just had to weigh the feed and each of the pigs. Those piggies are not easy to catch, which is why we left that to the aggie in our group because he actually has experience with animals. Not pigs, but other animals. He had to pick them up and put them in a large garbage bin and put that on a scale. Every time a pig was picked up or chased it would scream bloody murder. I swear by the moon that my ears were ringing and I was couldn't hear a thing people said when it was happening. Not to mention every other group was doing at the same time. It was loud. That was all for the first lab, but we each had to check on them at least once in the week to make sure they had food and to move the poop away from the food. Next week we start fecal scoring, which involves scrapping up some poop every day and drying it out and doing other stuff to it. Sounds fun right. I checked on them on Friday morning. I've known them for only a short while, but pig #39 is definitely my favorite. Shh don't tell the others. He's just so fat. Project 1 involves cows. My other classes are good, but lets be honest they're not even in the same league as live animals.
  We have been having some weird weather here. First it's extremely hot and then next minute it is insanely cold. Now it's hot again. I keep dressing wrong. Oh well. What can you do, you know?


Kamala! said...

Wow, Jo! Sounds as if you're finally getting to the fun stuff. If you get to name your pigs, name one for me.

Hannah said...


elm said...

Noah just left with some carrot cake, eggs, and cheese to share with you, soom.

Glad to hear your classes. The poop analysis sounds especially interesting. Could you do it for Rosie and Buster. Might also be interesting to see what evolves or what is left.

I guess we all had that weather problem. Cool is good.

Sara said...

What fun, little pigs are so cute. What happens to them once you are done?

Jo rocks said...

I have no idea. I'm afraid to ask.

Kamala! said...

Well, to my certain knowledge, pigs in Canada are sent to a special pig spa in Alberta to live out their years in luxury and comfort. They are never turned into bacon or sausage.