Saturday, October 5, 2013

College Update

  It is officially midterm season. Students are looking tired and defeated. If you want to get a table at the library you have to show up when it opens. This is worse than finals, because we still have class and we are learning new material. I have been staying caffeinated to study after classes everyday, but it really screws with ones sleep schedule. I should probably stop doing that. I won't, but I probably should. It doesn't help that the weather has been so nice, all I want to do is sleep all day. Oh well.
  I have finished the pigs. I have no idea what will happen to them now. Actually, I think the other half of the class hasn't worked with the pigs yet so they'll probably use them. Good luck weighing those bad boys. Next week we start our lab with the cows. It will be quite a bit dirtier seeing as we'll be sticking our hands right into the rumen. Fun stuff. We can wear the arm gloves. They didn't have those when James Herriot was working. All you got was a soap and a bucket of cold water. It was probably raining too. His books are only partially autobiographical, which is kind of disappointing. Also his name isn't actually James Herriot. It's James Alfred Wight. Illusion shattered.
  I've only had one midterm thus far. It was fine. No questions.
  I saw the new trailer for the Desolation of Smaug. Pretty exciting stuff. It comes out the last day of my finals. So I'll be home to see it. Normally I have more to talk about, but my week has kind of been a blur. I just went to classes and studied. I also had pilates and yoga. I'm enjoying that. It's just kind of difficult to get out of bed the next morning, physically. I ache in the areas that are used to move about like my arms, legs and stomach. Classes are Thursday night and I am still sore.
  New favorite song: What does the fox say.


Kamala! said...

Nice update, Jo. I too love What Does the Fox Say!

Kamala! said...

Actually, I think that song has potential as a possible TG skit?!

Susanna Chhibber said...

Goodness Aunt Kamala, you know she won't be here for Thanksgiving.

K2 said...

I'm crushed by what you say of James Herriot. And if it wasn't his name, why choose it?

Kamala! said...

Sorry, forgot that Jo won't be there :(.