Monday, January 6, 2014

College Update: Winter Edition

  Today was the first day of classes for the winter semester.  I only had two because I dropped my morning class and replaced it with a food science DE course. I am currently enrolled in Animal care and welfare, comparative immunology (which had this morning), applied endocrinology, the food science course and quantitative genetics ( also today). I liked both of my profs thus far. They seemed friendly and approachable, which is often a desirable trait in someone with whom you might need to converse. My genetics prof played music for us from 1978 and a clip of Mr. Peabody. All in all not a bad day. Tomorrow will be slightly busier due to the fact that I have 2 classes and a lab. I only have 1 lab this semester, not even other tutorials/seminars. The immunology class doesn't even have a final exam, just 3 midterms and 2 assignment. My genetics course does have a final, but instead of labs, he decided to due 10 online quizzes. Each quiz is open for 8 days, during that time we may take the quiz at our leisure. There is no time limit. He is also dropping the lowest quiz grade and we get 2 attempts for each quiz. I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty damn good to me.
    It is cold and windy and they haven't plowed so the sidewalks are just accidents waiting to happen. I have a feeling that I am going to make a complete ass of myself walking to class. The new coat Grandma bought me is really really nice, it makes the wind easier, so thanks Grandma! I'm getting cold just thinking about the outdoors.
  We were supposed to get a new housemate this semester, but he has yet to show up. I'm gonna give it a week before I take over his kitchen space. Everyone else is here though.
  Right, I can't think of anything else to write, soooo I'm out.


elm said...

I could not be more pleased that you are happy and warm with the coat.

Sara said...

Glad you have a warm coat. Its freezing in NYC, can't imagine what it's like up there.

Jo rocks said...

It is negative 11 F and negative 25 C. And windy.

Brenda said...

Wow, quite the classes this winter semester, Jo. Keep warm and safe on these freezing days!