Monday, July 20, 2015

Life Update

For those who don't know... I am moving to Laos! I leave August 21. I'm flying to Bangkok, where my dad lives, and we're taking the train to Vientiane. He has a house there that I'll be staying in.

I'm going to be teaching English at this school:
My contract lasts until May, so I will be there a while.

It's nerve-wracking, but I am so excited for this adventure!


Brenda said...

It sounds very exciting, Eliza. What level of students? I imagine the first few months will be difficult learning the system of teaching. I hope you will have a mentor teacher. Be firm, but have lots of humor..You will be great!!

elm said...

Dear Eliza,

Laos sounds like a good plan . Visit and live in a very interesting place in the world, get to know Dar's family, find good stories to write, learn a new language (become familiar anyway).

A note: Recently going through pictures and stuff in the blue room closet, I found a box of letters from 1983, 1984. They were fascinating. Those years, Chandran rode his bicycle to California, Kalyani was in India, Kamala and Dad were around and wrote also, I spent the summer in Boulder at the Boulder Valley Eye clinic photographing eyes. The point is we do not write letters anymore.

I look forward to your visit here.

lots of love,

EPC said...

I will write you letters! I'd like to read those ones.

Aunt Brenda,
Thank you! Probably 12-13 year olds, but that's not set in stone.

Popop said...

Eliza: Maybe I will come and visit you in Laos!

EPC said...

Please visit!

suzanne said...

Yay for adventures! Have fun and please post when you can, even just photos. :)