Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Geneva I--Chamonix

We had a really wonderful few days in Geneva. It's a friendly place, and easy to get by in English. We went to Chamonix/Mont Blanc and Annecy in France as well. These pictures are from Chamonix.
In Chamonix: You can see a small group of people hiking down this ridge.

This is looking straight down.

We took two gondola rides to get there. The second was scarier--we were a kilometer in the air.
We were above the clouds.

Here is an ice cave at the end of another scary gondola ride. It used to be that the gondola took you to the glacier, but now there is a 500-stair hike down.

This sign marks the 2015 extent of the glacier. You can see it below.

This is the last bit of the hike up. You can see the gondola above.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Looks like you had a great trip. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.