Friday, September 18, 2009

Want a hamburger?

The hamburgers have lettuce and tomatoes.

Some disappointing information came today. A forester stopped by to warn us that our neighbor, the farm land all around us, is cutting some trees. They have sold the lumber to an Amish company in PA. There goes our dense forest to the West. Well, we may be getting some sunsets in the near future, to try to look at the bright side. Will we need curtains? They start Monday. They are not clear cutting, he assured me, and in 3 years we will not be able to tell the difference. I suspect, because we will not remember our dense forest that is gone.

Good thing I am trying to reforest our land, note the newest White Pine above.


Sara said...

To the west of you there is that thin screen of trees, and most of those are on your property. Is it woods further off? And isn't there something we can do about these grasping Amish? A good movie idea: reverse-Witness, NYC kid sees Amish industrialist nail a pretzel-dealer, and Hans Zeiderman (Johnny Depp) has to go undercover as a metrosexual realtor to Greenwich Village to keep the boy safe from crossbow assassins.

Kamala! said...

Like it-I see Johnny in a nice bowl cut at first, then transformed! However, I think it should be Hans Yoder. Plus the villains would also be armed w/ scythes.

Kamala! said...

Also-what's the story w/ those "hamburgers"?

elm said...

Ah, nice of you to ask about the hamburgers. They tasted good. White cake cupcakes, smallish. Chocolate cupcakes bigger. Green (lettuce)frosting, red (tomatoe) frosting. The chocolate bottoms are here still, as the tops were the hamburger. From internet to GEH to me.

Kamala! said...

Did you make them?

elm said...


Sara said...


elm said...

By why, do you mean why make the cup cakes? Or why did I choose that particular design? Well, Susi's b'day, and for the fun of it.

bren said...

I'm impressed with the hamburgers! Much better than I imagined.

Yes, our minds do adjust, thank goodness, and you might really enjoy the sunset views.

Your white pine has grown very fast.

elm said...

This pictured white pine is a recent purchase, and just put into the ground. My little seedlings, that I think you were thinking of, are still 8-10 inches, the ones that survived that is.