Saturday, December 19, 2009


Emma and Laura

We had our annual Christmas party. It went very well. It’s a good time to get in touch with old friends and reconnect with people we have not seen all year. Chiara’s friend Allison came, she is a lovely girl who we only see twice a year for these parties and Chiara’s birthday. Nelida, Jens and their daughter Emma came and of course the McCann’s minus Colum who is traveling. We had a surprise visit from Anita and Nikhil and their children. They were supposed to be going to Florida today but their flight was canceled because of the snow. We had some new friends this year from Chiara’s school, and some friends from the twins preschool days, one of which is in Nicky’s class this year. The good news for you all is that I now have a large supply of prosecco. Not only had I bought some for the party, but everyone that came brought at least one bottle.


elm said...

Sounds like a nice party. We also had a good one last night. We invited the Bullwinkels. They did not all show up, Al Jr. worked the 3 - 11 shift, Andy's girlfriend's grand father died (maybe it was an uncle). Emmy and Don had a better party to go to, and Kate and Ed and baby had an uncle who died in Ed's family. Also, the Henricks came. That is always nice. My camera ran out of battery power early in the evening.

K2 said...
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Kamala! said...

Just got back from celebrating w/ the Calvins-a nice evening. Sam is still in Rhode Island. He had planned to come home yesterday, but delayed because of the forecast. Today, he waited till the afternoon as the snow was heavy till past noon, and then his car was snowed in.

Sara said...

did Sam finally get home?