Saturday, January 14, 2012


I'm back at school. Well, in Savannah for the weekend but I was in Macon for the past week. This semester I'm taking New Testament, Intro to Sociology, Voices for Social Justice, and Shakespeare II. New Testament we're going to have to read the entirety of the New Testament and have daily quizes... yay. Voices for Social Justice is an English class. Most excited for that one. A requirement is we have to spend one hour a week tutoring kids at a nearby elementary school. Shakespeare will also be fun of course. We watched Shakespeare in Love in class on Thursday, heh.

Also, as you may or may not know, my future Oscar winning boyfriend is making a film this semester tentatively titled "Thy Neighbor." He's actually on a film set right now but when he returns I'll have him post the script/a preview so you all can see, and if you feel so inclined to make a donation that would be great too. It's only like a 10-12 minute movie but he's filming on actual film rather than digital which is apparently way more expensive. I went with him to a film set last night and it was cool to see how it all comes together. He starts filming Feb 14.

Oh, had a good birthday. Adam and I were still driving down here and arrived at like 3. Then we had Thai food and apple pie with cheese on top. I'm trying to give being vegan a go (again) so no more apple pie with cheese on top.


elm said...

Your classes sound great Eliza. Reading the New Testament, ambitious. What version?

Sure, we'll donate to a future oscar winner!!

Popop said...

Good to hear from you, Eliza. What are you doing in the Shakespeare class besides watching "S. in Love"?

Kamala! said...

I, of course, will donate. How do we do so? For me I can transfer money to your account designated for the project (don't forget my Executive Producer title.), but how do others donate?

EPC said...

Popop-- we are reading like 7 different plays. Much Ado, Hamlet, Twelfth Night, King Lear, The Tempest... Forget the others.

Grandma- not sure of the version. I'll let you know.


Send checks made out to Adam Buczkowski (and stick "Thy Neighbor Production" on there) to

524 E. Bolton St
Savannah, GA

Popop said...

glad to hear about your courses, they all sound interesting.
What is Adam's budget for the movie?

Popop said...

That was Sara.

Kamala! said...

Was Gus happy to see his family again?

Kamala! said...

Has anyone else seen the preview for Ralph Fienne's film of Corialanus? Saw it at Iron Lady today. Looks very intense, but I found it amusing how hard they made it look to be an action film, not Shakespeare.

EPC said...

Adam's budget is supposedly $10k but I think that will (hopefully) go down. I guess film/lighting is really expensive.