Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Time to Blog!

So as some of you may know I started my second semester of university this week. If you didn't know, I STARTED UNIVERSITY THIS WEEK! Please do not mistake my capital letteredness for excitement. I am merely shouting because everyone is so far away. Today was my third day of classes. At this point I have been to all of my classes. I have liked all of them so far except for chem for reasons I do not wish to discuss. Although I will say this, my chem lab TA is rather attractive and has an awesome name. It's witek, pronounced vitek. Cool, right? I don't know why but decided that it would be a good idea to take the three hour, once a week physics class. I had it literally 15 minutes ago. Well, it finished 15 minutes ago, but probably by the time you read this it will have been hours. It actually wasn't so bad. My prof (don't know how to spell it out properly) seems cool. He looks to be about 17 years old, but he is married with children so I'm guessing he's not. My Italian prof is actually Italian this semester, his accent is pretty good. This class is a lot smaller than last semester and it is in the worst possible room. There is no clock, the walls are all white and it looks dirty. Oh well.
I feel that I should inform you all that while I am writing this I am drinking milk. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but to me it is. I haven't milk in like forever. MILK IS SOOOO GOOOOOD!!! That was excitement. Notice the multiple exclamation points.
It is time for me to tell you a sad story that makes me tear up every time I am reminded of it. So, yesterday I wasn't having a very good day. I was tired and grouchy and I just wanted to get some study time in before class. Since my roommate was asleep I went to the library. Now, I also went to the library to meet my friend Heather, because were gonna fill out the housing application for next year. Now I know what you're thinking, Jo made a friend, whaaat? The answer is yes, yes I did. Anyway, baack to the story. Since the application was online I needed to bring my laptop. I also brought my biology textbooks from last semester plus this semester's textbook. Why, you ask. I wanted to study this semester's textbook, obvs, and I was lending my other textbooks to a friend who is taking the class I took last semester. Carrying all those textbooks is no easy task and my back was hurting by the time I got to campus. This story prolly just seems like me whining about a not such a great day, everyone has one, but it all leads up to something I promise. After I finished the application I went to look for a place to study. I couldn't find a place anywhere. I was getting frustrated, I really wanted to sit down and do my readings. So eventually I went back to my room. Along the way I had a thought. I remembered this bench that is by the green house that is in a secluded area and isn't dirty. Now, I wouldn't describe the weather as warm really, but more like below freezing. Below freezing in Canada is so much more dramatic because it is automatically in the negatives. I didn't really care that it was cold, I was just happy I found a place that was relatively quiet.
After I felt I did a sufficient amount of reading I decided to go get something to eat cause I was hungary and cold. That's when I noticed my shoe was untied. Now I realize I left out a kind of important detail. For those of you who don't spend more than 24 hours with me straight may not know this but I like music. I am almost always listening to music when traveling, whether I am walking or driving. Not me driving, but while I'm in a car. Sometimes it's a radio or cd, but if I am by myself it is an ipod. So while I was reading I tucked my earbuds into my jacket. To tie my shoe I put my foot on the bench. To stand I simultaneously put my foot on the ground while raising my upper body. What I didn't notice was
that my knee had gotten caught in the headphones string thing. And THEN...
Here is where I will pause for dramatic effect and you may check your tissue supply.
... one of the earbuds came clean off. Yes, you read clearly. I, Joanna Chhibber, accidentally
decapitated my headphones. I know right. They or it I should say still works, but it is windy and is constantly
blown out of my ear. Also I am now missing the bass part, which is pretty much the best part.
Okay, that's all I can think of right now. Here's a quote.
"A diversion!"


Popop said...

Jo: Now we know what we can get you on your next birthday. Keep up the reports, they are totally entertaining!

Sara said...

The passing of your earbud was a riveting and tragic tale.

Brenda said...

It sounds like this is going to be a very good semester for you, JO.

elm said...

Gus is looking at me with his ears popped up (as usual), wondering what has happened, she is making this loud strange noises, he may have never heard from me for the duration of the short time he has been with me. Translation, I am laughing out loud. Just hang in there Jo, your B'day is coming up soon in just 9 short months.

EPC said...
