Thursday, April 11, 2013

College Update: Finals

 I am taking a quick breather from studying biochem. I really dislike chemistry. Like really really don't like it. It's up there with twilight. That's how much I dislike it. I would go as far as saying I loathe it. I just cannot find it interesting. I thought it was just my prof, but nope, it is just awful all by itself. I have only had one exam so far. My next one is Saturday morning, at the crack of dawn. I'm not usually awake at that time. Then I have 2 on Monday, an hour apart. The last exam is Tuesday evening. I'm really not looking forward to that, but that's life I guess. My sane housemate is leaving on Saturday, which leaves me by myself with our other housemate. Not really looking forward to that. We had a house meeting to discuss our finals and when we would be leaving and such. Apparently, our housemate from China is staying through the summer. We also came back from Easter to find a combo of meat juice and soy sauce had spilled in the fridge and onto the floor. It was gross. It only got cleaned up because Heather's mom, my housemate, refused to leave until it was cleaned up. I'm glad I wasn't there when that happened. I was gonna my the maker of the mess clean it up, but I didn't get there in time. I only have about 6 days left here. It would be very lovely if whoever comes to pick me up brings boxes and newspaper to pack my dishes and also ikea bags. I'll have everything else all packed and then just pack the lasts when whoever picks me up gets here. I keep getting dirty looks from people who walk into the library because I am using a very comfy chair as a foot rest. It's like I'm in a little box. It is quite comfortable, so I can't bring myself to care. Anyway, back to studying.


Sara said...

good luck with finals. If you want to come visit after you are done we would love to see you.

EPC said...

Wow you get out early. My last final is May 10. Good luck on yours!