Saturday, July 7, 2007

George... he is soooo small and cute

Kayla, Sara & Rachel

The 11-12 year olds


Jackie & me on 4th of July

Happy 7/7/07! This past week I've been in Brockton, MA doing an urban day camp. It's been rough. Day camp itself is fun, but there's a lot of tension with the staff. In fact, yesterday I kind of flipped out at our head counselor and peaced out. This guy is supposed to be in charge of us and like our leader and I am on the phone with Phil and he says, "I heard you and Kayla were really mean to Dustin" (except instead of saying "really mean" he said something worse). So I told Dustin this and he's like "Well......" and Kayla yelled at him and I yelled at him. Last night he called me twice, neither time I picked up. By the way this kid is only like 2 yaers older than us. And he's in yellows with me and was my friend up until this point. Not anymore.
BUT ANYWAY. Home for the weekend. This is my first day off in..... three weeks. Last night I saw 'Evening' and it was not so good. I'm having lunch with Shira in like 15 minutes. Mom's in NYC with my still broken elevator.
I should say that Brockton isn't all bad. The kids are really funny and cute. I have the older kids which is great. Last year I had 10 8 year olds all to myself and I was exhausted. This year I have 7 13 and 14 year olds between my co-counselor and me and it's sooo much easier. I'm getting really good at four square.
4th of July the staff went into Boston for a supposed John Mellencamp concert. He only sang two songs. It was raining. Everyone there was drunk and annoying. Ended up going to Starbucks with my friends Kayla and Deirdre. That was GREAT. Fireworks were pretty but we wanted to leave and Dustin yelled at us for this? That's what started this whole thing. Oh and then in the parking garage at a T station he overestimated the height of the ceiling and we crashed our bus. The emergency exit door thing on the top of our short bus came off. There is a constant alarm that we can't figure out how to turn off because of this so every time we go anywhere there is this high pitched buzz. Yayyyyy.

1 comment:

SamsHome?! said...

Rachel's in my clue class