Friday, February 20, 2009


what is the best feeling in the whole world?

this morning when i came home and i found limeade in the refridgerator... that was the best thing i ever felt.
i have 3 so far

actually the best feeling will be when i win the felix this year


Kamala! said...

The warm tradewinds blowing on me.

K2 said...


SamsHome?! said...

Probably that first glass of water after wandering through the desert for, like, 40 years.

K2 said...

You'd have to ask Moses about that, Sam

Kamala! said...

I think Moses' best feeling was being found in the bullrushes-it was downhill after that.

Kamala! said...

That said, I've had a lot of fun talking w/ E about best feelings (and ,yes, she does understand the use of superlatives), including snow days, landing safely after flying, a baby or animal falling asleep on you, winning the Felix, summer vacation, etc

EPC said...

there are a lot of best feelings

a best feeling is when something happens to you and you think to yourself, this is the BEST feeling