Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rosie update:

Yesterday was discouraging.  She pooped under the piano on the set up newspapers, 3x, including after she had been outside for a couple of hours.    Then last night as we went to bed, she got into her crate and I realized that she has not awakened me in the night after the 2nd night here.  That is something to be GLAD about.

So, I awoke with determination for a 100% poop and pee outside.  So far so good.  I, of course,  would have preferred standing out side in one of the nice sunny days, but I guess it pays off.  (it is 2:25 pm)

So far, storm Sandy, has just drizzled here.


Kamala! said...
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Kamala! said...

What a cutie! I'm sure she's trying as hard as she can to be a good girl.