Friday, April 5, 2013

Trouble brewing

Well, I cleaned out 7 months of chicken poop.  I know, really bad not to do it more often, BUT it has snowed for months!  Anyway, it was satisfying to finally clean out the coop.  The Trouble Brewing?  See the big black bucket against the hen house?  Well, there were 2 holes dug, a stick would not find the end, under the bucket.  I filled them up replaced the rocks that is the 'bed' of the coop, and this morning, there are larger holes and one more.  They seem to be connected.   Filled them again, of course.  What are they?  Are they working on the hen house floor to open it up?  They could easily go in through the chicken's door.  I do not see unidentified poop,   hmm.


Kamala! said...

Anything new?

elm said...

This morning, day 3, there was no disturbance of the surface where holes have been. However, there is a faint smell of skunk.

elm said...

This morning, day 3, there was no disturbance of the surface where holes have been. However, there is a faint smell of skunk.

Kamala! said...

Foxes smell like skunks. Learned that years ago from a worker at Drumlin Farm.

Kamala! said...

Maybe you should put some dog excrement in the holes.

Sara said...

would a skunk go after the chickens or the eggs?

GMS said...

Read this:

Sarah I said...

Time for surveillance cameras?

elm said...

The article about skunks was good. I feel pretty sure, from that, it is or was a skunk I was dealing with. There was not new hole or odor this morning. I did not realize that skunks were our friends.