Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cecropia, caterpillar and moth!

 Caterpillar, Aug. 2, 2012
Moth emerged June 2, 2013.  I called Kalyani and had time while she and Jo came down to see the amazing moth before it flew away.

Then, Rosie had her first bath.  At the lake she rolled in dead fish  (they were on the beach as well as in the grass, birds eating them?)  We hosed her, but did not get the smell completely out.  This morning I was pulling grasses and weeds and she started digging.   Her head, feet and underside, muddy.  We had a terrific rain storm last evening, the weeds came out easy leaving mud.


Sara said...

Beautiful! how did Rosie enjoy the bath?

Kamala! said...

My question as well.

Brenda said...

Mine, too

elm said...

The bath was easier than I expected, however I have 3 scratch marks that are still read and raw made with a frantic paw.

My computer is acting strangely. Oh dear.

Kamala! said...

Hmm-red and raw scratch marks do not sound like a happy bath.

Sara said...

Gus always hates getting a bath.
In what way is your computer acting strange?

elm said...

Did I say it was happy? My expectations were very low.

Kamala! said...

Interesting call from a realtor this a.m. He has clients interested in my lot on the lake.

elm said...

you could sell it and buy the lot behind us, and build a house there. Have you seen the spectacular house built on Ison's lane behind the house West of them?

K2 said...

That's a great idea. You could sell your lot for a lot of money, and buy that one for very little.

Kamala! said...

I'm leaning towards keeping it. I don't need the cash right now. The realtor is also the builder who had built two houses on the lane. It sounded as if they would be open to an offer of a little more than what we paid (95,000). My friends at work think if I'm getting this offer, I'll get more. Do you think that's the case?
I am not building on the lot behind you-there is no shade.

Kamala! said...

Kly , Ash, Mom and Dad-Now I'm wondering if I'm turning down a unique opportunity. I had thought the land was unsellable. What do you think?

elm said...

I think of a compound, fam gathering spot, but, maybe this is a Kenedy sort of fantasy.

K2 said...

Seriously, a downside of the spot was always that it was so far from ours.

Kamala! said...

This is not about buying the lot behind you. If that was not in the picture, should I sell?

K2 said...

If it's not about buying the other lot, maybe not. They are saying that real estate is turning around. Certainly Su has been selling.