Monday, September 21, 2015


Flight leaves from Laos at 8pm. Back in Boston around 12:30 on Tuesday.

My father threatened me with gangsters and the police, and to have me detained at immigration.

It wasn't safe to stay.

So endlessly graterul to the Isons, especially Tui and her cousin, who really tried to help.

Also grateful for all the Snapchats ;p

I am very very sad to leave but I know if I can survive this, I can survive anything.

Love you all so much and can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!! So happy I at least get Thanksgiving.

You've all been so great. I can't say how much it's meant. See you soon!


elm said...


suzanne said...

Hugs! Thinking of you...

Unknown said...

Love from Chico. We hope your journey home went well. All our best.