Saturday, October 24, 2009

Piano lesson

Laura and baby

on the tram

We went for another piano lesson with Isabella. This time Laura was also with us. She loved going on the Tram and had fun playing with Rachel's oldest and youngest.
Laura had bonded with the baby on Monday's piano lesson. She feels we need to have another baby, Nicky agrees, he would like a baby sister. Chiara on the other hand feels that 3 is enough and so do I. though that baby is so cute!


Kamala! said...

Great post, Sara! Rachel's baby is so cute and so is Laura. I have a child in my class this year whose physical appearance reminds me strongly of Laura, so, of course, I'm very fond of her.

bren said...

I saw a lot of Chandran in the photo of Laura.
And yes, babies are soooo cute!