Thursday, May 1, 2014


Rained yesterday, most all day.  Same today.  I think we will not see the Castle.  Good museums yesterday,  a couple today.  We think of going to the music pub that  Kamala liked, the Royal Oak.  Not too far from our hotel.  We saw a play last night.  BLAST OFF.  About coal miners losing their jobs as the mines were closed (in the 80's?).  They formed a band.  It was pretty good.  A bit of a tear jerker.

We go to Glasgow tomorrow on a morning train.  It is supposed to clear up, so maybe I will like Glasgow better than Edinburgh.

How are all of you. I hope that Rosie is not bugging Reed Rd. bunch too much.



Jo rocks said...

She is tolerable when she is sleeping.

elm said...

OMG, I AM SORRY. Are you wearing her out with ball and walks? I am so sorry. Won't do it again.

K2 said...

She is JOKING! Rosie has been charming. She drives Susi to school every morning.

Sara said...

Hope your weather improves. Here in NY it finally feels like spring.

Jo rocks said...

I was just having a bad day. She is very charming. We take nice walks together. I think she misses you guys.

elm said...

Thanks Jo, we had a cute dog in a crowded restauant just now, at caused incredible feelings from me. So, as I said, THANK YOU JO!!!!!

elm said...


elm said...

I have those days with Rosie also. Last night, in a busy really good restaurant in Glasgow U. area, we had a dog at the table next to us. I teared up.