Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Change of plans

Tintin just text messaged to say that he changed his mind and turned around. Don't worry, though, Jo. I have decided to send Tucker instead and his legs are much longer, so he should be there in time for halloween. Then when Tintin comes home, I will Fedex him to Susi for her birthday since the earrings never came.
The Kaimals are coming tonight. Ellissa arrives back from Pittsburgh today. Lorraine and Chandran will spend their days at their house and sleep at our house.
I am still hoping to come down to NYC for the weekend.

1 comment:

elm said...

That is nice that you are putting up the Kaimals. I did not know that before! Maybe you did not either.

Too bad about TinTin, He is exactly the right look for Jo's costume, that is turning out quite nicely. (If I do say so myself)