Monday, March 3, 2008

A Different Concert

This is mostly for Noah- On Friday the 14th we have tickets to see The Philadelphia Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall (Bartok's The Miraculous Mandarin Suite, Debussy's Nocturnes and Holst's Planets). Would you do me the honor of accompanying me? Otherwise, you could baby-sit.


noah is the best said...

Oh my god yes. The Mandarin Suite is amazing and the planets may very well be my favorite pieces.

Like really, that sounds amazing I'm very excited.

K2 said...

The Planets! I am so jealous.

noah is the best said...

You already got to see it and I never did.

K2 said...

RPO is doing it again next year. It seems to be an entire year of well-known pieces. Josephowitz is returning to play the Beethoven.