Sunday, March 2, 2008

Please Help

3/2/08: Another 3 or 4 weeks of hibernation.

I welcome suggestions for my history club year. I need to present a topic in December for next years papers. The idea needs to have about 25 subtopic possibilities. Some previous topics: That wonderful year, Natural History, American Indians, By Design, Religions of the World, Pulitzer Prize Winners, Great Rivers of North America and many more, this club is 108 year old. Thanks


Kamala! said...

How about The Great Lakes? It's probably been done, though. Canal towns, then and now? Immigrants in the area, from migrant workers to academia?

noah is the best said...

I really like the immigrants in the area idea that Aunt Kamala suggested. It would be interesting to look at the effects of the WWII prisoner of war camp in Hamlin.

Also: The Western New York Labor Movement. There was a lot of stuff going on (I've learned from my Labor History class) and it would be fun to look at.

elm said...

What? WWII prisoners of war in Hamlin? wow! What nationality? Immigrants is good. I remember the Mexican guy having trouble expressing what he needed at Creekside. He needed a sack to carry his beer on his bicycle. I like the Great Lakes idea, Cities on the Great Lakes? What are they doing about pollution, the treaty to keep the water here and clean it up. I was getting worried, now I have several good ideas.

What is the Labor movement here in Western NY?


noah is the best said...

The POW camp was a German one which goes a long way in explaining Hamlinites. The labor movement was pretty active with the AFL back at the turn of the century. I'm pretty sure there were some strikes in the area. I'll check it out, though.

Kamala! said...

If you did immigrants and it was broad enough, you could include the Mennonite influx-would lovetto learn mor about that.