Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nice, Busy Week End

Kamala came for the week end, Noah came home, and so did Hannah, briefly. What we did:
Went to U of R, Hannah's dorm, Meliora week end.
Noah BBQed the delicious steak, sorry to our dear veggie family for what may look a little primitive.
ROS sang Beethoven's 9th with the RPO in the new Kodak Hall for 3 concerts. This was the first look at the renovated Eastman Theater. The acoustics have improved, the hall is smaller, the paintings have been cleaned. It looks and sounds good.
We had our second frost, but first hard frost. (See my flickr site for pictures)


Sara said...

looks good to me.

K2 said...

For those who weren't there, the concert was great

suzanne said...

What a pleasant weekend!

Kamala! said...

It was a great weekend. Lots of good experiences-U of R, concert, seeing Laurie and Ramsey. Good food. Also really enjoyable was the visit to the gallery in Honeoye Falls-it's a lovely gallery-I bought a scarf, little silk pouch and fold up shopping bag. The high point was the concert.

bren said...

It sounds like an enjoyable time to me!