Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Laura, at the 'Ancient' playground in central park. The weather was soooo warm and glorious that the park was mobbed. Chandran, Sara, Madhu and I went to a matinee (Times Stands Still with Laura Linney) and walked back from the play through the park.

Chiara came back with us, she made Lemon Squares.

Bad news for me, the uinpleasant MRI revealed a substantial tear in my shoulder. The surgery is easy, the recuperation is long and hard, I was told by my doctor. And, it will not heal on its own.


Kamala! said...

How was the play?

elm said...

I stayed awake, I laughed occasionally. Laura L.'s character was strident. She was a photographer in Iraq, the question of the credibility or responsibility of the photog was there. just reporting, not helping was there. I liked it. It was a current topic.

GMS said...

Terrible news about the shoulder - what part is torn?

elm said...

The muscle that attaches to the top of the shoulder.

bren said...

Gosh, Chiara is growing up so fast. What's the shoulder plan?