Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update on my Life at URI

I'm up early to finish studying/get ready for a macroeconomics exam, so I thought I'd procrastinate a little and write a blog post. I changed my major to a BS in economics this semester, I took microecon last semester and liked it a lot, plus it's a pretty topical major these days, I suppose.

We're experiencing the good weather down here too, last week it was 50 and sunny most days, the weekend was rainy and miserable, but yesterday it was in the low-60s all day. People are dressing like it's 80 out though. To get outside more, I've been out longboarding with my friend Jeff and his roommate.
It's like skateboarding but easier to balance on, and you can pick up and maintain a pretty fast speed on it. I've been learning on Jeff's roomate's 700 dollar board, so I'm a bit spoiled.

Spring break starts Friday for URI (the dorm closes at 6pm sharp on friday, which is is weird and will clog up the roads on campus enough to make leaving a living hell). My plan is to stay home for the weekend (dentist appointment on monday), and probably head to Manhattan for a few days.

I'll take some pictures and post them later today if it's nice out.


Kamala! said...

Nice post, Sam!

Sara said...

Give us a call if you make it to Manhattan. Your sister was here yesterday with her friend Sofie. It was nice to see them, they will be back tomorrow when your grandparents come down to NYC for the week end.

K2 said...

I like the board. Is it easier to balance because it's lower?

sofmg said...

nooooo stay in lexington
and dont forget what happened in paranoid park because of sk8boarding

sofmg said...

oh that was eliza, but sofie's signed into gmail

Chhibbs said...
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Chhibbs said...

My spring break also starts this weekend. Would it be possible for me to come down for a few days after we get back from Toronto?

Anonymous said...

what a cool board

Popop said...

Well Sam, there is a Nobel Prize for Economics, not for engineering. So, a good move. I hope I will be around to go to Sweden when you get your Nobel Prize for Economics. Seriously, however, I am glad you switched to a field that you find interesting. Buona fortuna!

Sara said...

Hey Noah are you asking us or Sam? You are always welcome here. We will be going to Brockport on the 26th to pick up Chiara.

Chhibbs said...

So as a consequence of getting a cavity filled on Thursday, it looks like I may not be able to make it to New York.