Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back at Work

Have started work again. I was saying to Jim that I was looking forward to this year's start up more than ever before and he said" It adds structure and meaning to your life." It is very true (who knew Jim could be so underatanding!)-as my children near adulthood, I am happy to have this venue where I can express that part of me which, as a parent, is long gone. We have done wonders to the room, involving hard work and trying to incorporate the principles of Reggio Emilio. It looks terrific. Had a great parent orientation and first visiting day. In other news, have spent at least $800 on vet visits in the last two months. Is it worth it? You vote.


Sara said...

So why did they need to go to he vet? Worth it, it depends, are they good companions?

Kamala! said...

It was all routine stuff. Tintin is too small to get more than one shot at a time, and each distemper shot required an office visit + rabies+lyme disease. Tucker needed ear medication. I still have to take both of them in for one more booster, probably another $150. They're great companions when they're asleep. Plus cleaning up Tintin's pee and poop keeps me limber.

Popop said...

Did you know that you can get health coverage for pets? In fact, some employers are already providing this for their employees.