Friday, February 1, 2008

Jhumpa Rules!

Just finishing the advance copy of Jhumpa Lahiri's new book of short stories. She is so incredibly talented-the Jane Austen of our age. I also love that so many of the locations are around Boston. Plus she's gorgeous. Oh well.


Sara said...

I need a book to read. Could you bring it when you come?

Kamala! said...

Yes, I'll bring it, but you'll have to return it as I have also promised it to a friend here-I think you would like it, although I worry that it so engrossing that you might neglect your children. I would hate to be responsible for that! The last story, which I am almost done with takes place in Rome. I just love her writing. I feel that I must pay attention to every sentence.

suzanne said...

I loved The Namesake. Her writing style is very inspiring.

noah is the best said...

One time mom became so engrossed by this book about math that she neglected to feed us while she was reading it. Unfortunately, it took her several weeks.

To Laura:
Don't worry because if she neglects to feed you while she's reading it, she'll certainly neglect to check whether any of her bank accounts, 401K's or IRA's have been emptied and transfered to a swiss account.