Monday, April 28, 2008

Apres Parade

We went to Niagara. There was a French encampment at the fort. The kids received an impromptu tour in French by a Captain from Quebec.


K2 said...

In the second picture the guy on the left is Iroquois, so no pants. Hannah's friends are in the window.

Kamala! said...

Did the French kids like it?
Jim is doing well, although still at home for a while. We put an offer on the lake land today. We opted for the 100 by 1400 square foot parcel next to the NYS energy thing.

Sara said...

Looks warm. I am sure the French kids are grateful for that.

K2 said...

It's cold today. Expecting snow for the redwings game. The French kids DID like it. They could wander off freely, and most stayed. The guy made them laugh.

Sara said...

does it snow in Renne?

K2 said...


K2 said...

It's Rennes, although there's only one.

noah is the best said...

Did the Quebecois guy say nasty and inappropriate things about "les americains"? That would make French kids laugh. Ou "rire" si vous voudriez discuter en francais pour la facilite des etudiants d'echange.

noah is the best said...

I've forgotten my grammar, so that might serve to make them laugh, also.