Friday, May 7, 2010

More Snorkeling

Today and yesterday I just swam around the reef behind the institute. I saw a lot of cool fish, angel fish, big purple-green coral fish, just lots of different kinds of fish. I saw two kinds of eel--a fat yellow one with tiny black spots and a long grey one with white spots. I saw a clown fish and a sting ray. The ray was a bit too impressive--it was certainly 2 feet across and its stinger at least 3 feet long. I left the area. I was accompanied by a friendly white fish. I followed him for a while, then when I quit he followed me. This went on for at least half an hour. I started testing him and swimming away, and he came after me. Very charming. Maybe I'll have vegetables for dinner.
My "networking" seems to have paid off hugely, as I got a suggestion that seems to have fixed the famous glitch. But you never know, of course... In general, the math was excellent, but there was a drawback--we are on the west coast, and I didn't see a single sunset, as we had dinner and evening lecture at that time. Maybe tomorrow.
I am tempted to go to church on Sunday. It's next door, built in 1680, and they have organ pipes pointing straight out over the audience. And they have a "Sung Eucharist" at 9 a.m.


GMS said...

"Sung Eucharist" in the've got to go.

Kamala! said...

Sounds great! My first snorkeling experience I was in Jost and walked off the beach and started swimming along the reef. First thing I saw was a stingray. If it had swum toward me rather than away, that might have been the end of my snorkeling career. Isn't snorkeling great?! Sounds like you're having a great time all around.

elm said...

Very nice, the glitch fix. Snorkeling sounds really fun. Yeh, you must go to church./

elm said...

Oh, the chicks are getting closer. Han and I went to Higbies, purchased a giant tub, heat lamp, lamp, waterer and feeder and 'bedding'-wood shavings.

K2 said...

I went back to the church with my glasses on this morning. It says SOLEMN eucharist, not song eucharist. I might loiter outside to hear the organ, though. It's supposed to be the oldest church in the northern western hemisphere.

Sara said...

you should go.

bren said...

What a lovely exchange with White fish.