Sunday, May 2, 2010

Very Warm

Barbados is very warm. We are staying in a guest house situation that reminds me so much of Indian Express, except it's very small and not at all grand. If you tread gingerly over a lot of rocky ugliness and then past a swanky resort, you can swim in the Caribbean. Which is very, very pretty, but tepid. There is ample public access, and as it was Sunday we were swimming with a lot of locals. That is, We were swimming. At one point I noticed they were all watching their rubber ball head out to sea. There was a party of at least 15, kids, adults, youth, and no one could swim! I retrieved the ball.
I am collecting coral. The flowering trees are very beautiful. It's mango season.
I am sweating a lot. I'd enjoy a better fan.
The Math begins tomorrow.


Susanna Chhibber said...


K2 said...

Well, that took me a while, Hannah, but remember that only made her a witch when she arrived in New England. If I can still swim when I get back...

Susanna Chhibber said...

Don't forget to dance naked around a fire in the woods!

Popop said...

What's this about "witch"? Some obscure allusion?

K2 said...

It's from The Witch of Blackbird Pond. The girl is moving to New England from Barbados, and she jumps off the boat on arrival to retrieve a little girl's doll. So they are all really suspicious of her, because she can swim. She's saved by her knowledge of the Lord's Prayer, so I could be in serious trouble.