Thursday, May 22, 2008


Lake lovers, go to the NY Times website and search for "ontario uranium".


Chandran said...

I read that this morning. Remeber that time we could see Canada in broad daylight because of those smokestacks in Port Hope...? It is straight across the lake from us. The only thing that saves us is that the current runs from west to east, so we wouldn't get hit by the effluvia from that plant. But let's not kid ourselves: L. Ontario is downstream of a watershed that covers about a quarter of the country, not counting Canada,containing its industrial and agricultural heartland. On the bright side, consider all the positive effects of radiation baths on such men as Peter Parker and Bruce Banner.

noah is the best said...

I've been able to walk through walls for a few years now. Does that have something to do with it?

noah is the best said...

Also Peter Parker was bitten by radioactive spider, and was not himself covered in radiation.

Kamala! said...

This must account for the beauty and brains of our offspring. As well as my great cooking abilities.