Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sorry Again

This is the new ad released by the guy I'm interning for this summer. I thought it was well done and more enjoyable than watching Hillary Clinton fail at semi-modern technology.


Sara said...

Good one, yes much better than Hillary, Then again sleep depravation really messes with your mind, I know.
Have you watched Carrier? I know your mom has.

noah is the best said...

I'm not totally sure what that is. Actually, I'm not at all sure what that is. What is it?

Sara said...

It’s a documentary, or non-fiction drama, as they are called these days, on PBS. Its filmed on a carrier ship the USS Nimitz, they often talk of the war.

elm said...

This is good Noah. That is something you can hang your hat on. Well, that is kind of a funny thing to say, but you probably know what I mean.

bren said...

That was a good one I waited for it to download which takes over 20 minutes since I can't get DSL.