Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Corpse Wheeled to Check-Cashing Store Leads to 2 Arrests

This article was in today’s NY Times. I thought that Sam and Noah would enjoy it.


noah is the best said...

We just have to be thankful that they didn't put the wheelchair at the top of a hill or something because the situation could have been over long before any crowd formed.

Kudos to the two unemployed 65 year old gentlemen who managed to move a fully grown man into a wheel chair.

noah is the best said...

One note, though. Why couldn't they get his pants all the way on?

SamsHome?! said...

I blame violent video games, rap music and everything else popular.

K2 said...

In the a.p. version, which appeared in the D & C, the two guys "feigned surprise" when the paramedic told them their friend was dead.