Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hair Cuts

Nick and Laura got a hair cut today. They started school yesterday, Laura was very happy to see her friends again, Nick less so. Their teacher was not there and both Chandran and I are hoping she will be gone for a while. A speech therapist is coming on Thursday to evaluate Nick and on Friday he will be getting the psychiatric evaluation. We have decided not to have Laura evaluated at this time. We will probably get private speech therapy for her, hopefully with the same person who helped us out with Chiara.
Poor Chiara will have a very difficult day tomorrow. It will be the second day of her ELA and she has a test at one of the private schools, after that she has an appointment with the dermatologist for the wart on her foot. The silver lining is that she will get to have dinner at Blue Smoke.
Noah I am sorry we forgot to wish you a happy birthday yesterday.


K2 said...

Good luck, Chiara!

bren said...

Yes, good luck, Chiara.

Why the psych eval for Nick?

noah is the best said...

Not a problem. So did my parents.

K2 said...

That is so false.

Sara said...

The Board of Ed requires it. If he is to receive services, such as speech, he needs a full evaluation.

Sara said...

Nick is getting a PSYCHOLOGICAL evaluation, not a psychiatric one.
