Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday update

We expected Madhu to come home today, but, he is staying another night. There is fluid in his lungs that his cardiologist would like to get rid of before he comes home. He is at this time receiving a diuretic by IV. He looks good, the dizziness, the s.o.b. has gone. It is a great relief. So maybe tomorrow he will come home.

He expected to meet his class tomorrow. This is the last week of classes. He says he had planned to work on problems this week. Maybe Thursday, the next class. Finals are next week.

Gorgeous day. Bird watch: a Baltimore oriole, female, came to the kitchen railing feeder. I grabbed the camera and have some decent shots. I will download them when I figure out how to reduce the pixels.

Kalyani had a good party at the lake yesterday, (we could not cancel, she did not have phone #'s and it is too far to go for a note on the door) with her co- math graduate students. It was on the cold side, but sunny. They are a very sober, likable group of students. It was a nice party.


Kamala! said...

How sober?!!

K2 said...

It was a one beer crowd. We shorted them on wine, too. Dad wasn't there.