Saturday, May 19, 2007

Room with the view

Early this week when Dad was still in the hospital, I started thinking about our room at the lake. Up those stairs might be difficult with s.o.b. Well, I made this observation to R.C. and he rather quickly came back with, well, the twins can manage the stairs easily now. I took it to mean, they could all sleep upstairs in the r.w.t.v. Then, I mentioned it to Kly and she was taken aback,' I think we have precedence'. Then I spoke to Popop with this idea, and he said 'I can manage those stairs, I like the r.w.t.v." I think that is the final view, as I also agree with the last sentiment.

The Baltimore Orioles have continued to peck at our back door, all week. Both the female and the male. I do not know why. Yesterday afternoon, I rigged a scarecrow for just inside the door. For awhile it was quiet and I thought I had a solution. But they came back eventually. Well, this morning, Dad said that in his garden in India they put up a gourd with a face painted on it to scare the birds. So happened that I had a gourd I purchased last year as a bird house that was laying near the compost on the ground. I used the trusty permanent marker and made a lovely face. It has slowed them down, the female has come and pecked a couple of times. But this may work. Do they want to get inside? Why are they doing this?

I am hope to hear from Noah about his Star Wars party?


Kamala! said...

Actually. as the oldest offspring, I think I should have the r.w.t.v!
Tucker feels the same.

K2 said...

Money talks.