Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A terrible mistake

What was Mark thinking? I told him that more than two was a mistake, but FIVE!?! Perhaps even six. I really feel as if someone qualified should explain to him that even four is too many, as I feel that we all can see from this household. Anyways, here's a picture of a baby that I found on the internet.


Kamala! said...

Obviously the qualified people to warn him off are your parents. Perhaps a video or sound recording of your daily life would help him to reconsider.

elm said...

Well, Mark is a gifted professional composer/muscian and his lovely wife Elana is a beautiful dancer. I would say that they are contributing an excellent gene pool to the world. I do, of course, agree that the foot print (that is what I think they call each person) of those who live in US who contributes to the use/overuse of natural resourses. They are probably very good parents.