Sunday, June 3, 2007


Hi!Whuz ↑? I went to the Hamlin Wheel Fest ☼n Saturday and it was fun. The 5th grade band played 12 s☼ngs. Hannah J☼ and M☼m played with me. I g☼t an ice cream c☼ne painted ☼n my cheek. We were there f☼r like 3 1/2 h☼urs. Hi-fr☼m Hannah. 3 1/2 l☼ngh☼urs.

$#"33333333○&%"#▼ A6☻6♥?>=♦979797○7σMSUSI


Sara said...

Glad you had fun.
Does the rest of you message have meaning?

K2 said...

This has happenedd before, that a font doesn't translate. It looks like words when you're posting. The preview button doesn't always work, either--the pictures don't line up with text like it shows you.

K2 said...

It would appear that Susi was just being decorative after all.