Monday, June 4, 2007

Rain, finally, yes!!

Madhu came in and saw me crying in front of the computer, as we were preparing to go to the Moon's wine tasting gathering on Friday evening, and he thought I was SO frustrated because I could not put a picture up. (I have been trying to post a picture since this blog was started.) But no, I was feeling the sadness of Mr. Dutt. (By the way Chiara, that is an Indian name, are his ancestors from India?).

Well, the Moon's wine tasting party was interesting and fun. We tasted 6, 1990 Rhone's (they were presented like a 'flight' on the table with 6 glasses on top of a paper with the names of each). Then 6 Bordeaux's. I was able to distinguish different tastes for the Rhone's, but not the Bordeaux's. I did not finish each glass, by the way, never the less it was too much.

Jim Moon also bought a concert grand Steinway this year. He played, as did Matthew and Greg. Jim plays beautifully. The boys do also and have advanced a lot this year. (They come to our soiree's, usually, so I have heard them as they progress). It was a memorable evening.

And, last week end was MEMORABLE also! That is when we took Noah to Stratford. We ate in 3 excellent restaurants and saw 3 good plays. We loved it. Noah is good company. (I am not convinced he should return the awards, by the way Noah).

Meanwhile, I have been practicing for my recital, June 17, and sweating in the garden. Our weather has been hot and without rain until yesterday for about a month. It has now rained for almost 24 hours. I am so glad! The lawn was getting very yellow, and today it has already become green.

On Saturday, Deb arranged what turned out to be a nice long party for the Isons and us. We met here and drove down the Linwood Garden's, a private garden that opens 3 week ends a year. These gardens main attraction is tree peonies that bloom now. The grounds are what really gets my imagination inspired. The original family is still living in the area, 6 generations later. They keep up the land in a very casual way. We had a picnic dinner here at home (too hot outside), then went to Rochester and saw SHOWBOAT, production by the Rochester Opera Company. I could go on, especially about the gardens, but I suspect I have lost most of my readers already, so......

The big news is that Madhu will have his right knee replaced tomorrow.


1 comment:

Sara said...

I was thinking the same about Mr. Dutt's name, but he did not strike me as Indian. It could be German (Dutt= bun, so a baker).
Best wishes to Popop!