Monday, June 18, 2007

Some pictures...

Today was longggg .Had to wake up at 6 am to be back at camp by 8:30. Worked. Disappointing lunch. Slush puppy (obvs). Cleaned out nasty camp trailers. Disappointing dinner. Ice cream for dessert though. Went to the lake that Laura's lake house is on and got bitten by a lot of bugs. Went to my friend's house for a little bit. Came back to camp.
On the way to my friend's, Laura and I saw a fisher!!! A fisher is a really creepy animal that looks like a cross between a badger and a wolverine (at camp we call them "badgerines"). They eat cats and they are creepy and "vicious" supposeedly. I almost ran it over. Thoguht it was a raccoon at first but it was moving very slowly so we got a good look at it. On the way back to camp we saw a deer. Quite the menagerie of animals tonight.


K2 said...

Your fisher beats my flycatcher. I've only ever seen a fisher in the zoo, and that was some asian variety.

Kamala! said...

Glad you posted these pics. I love the one of the four of us! See you Saturday.